SAFe® Lean Portfolio Management (LPM)

In this interactive SAFe® training with workshop character, you will learn to successfully establish your Lean Portfolio Management and optimize performance using practical tools and techniques.

Main Topics

Participants of this SAFe® Lean Portfolio Management training will learn the tools and practices to introduce the three Lean Portfolio Management areas Strategy and Financing of Investments, Agile Portfolio Operations and Lean Governance.

You will learn how to use the Portfolio Canvas tool to map the current and future structure of the portfolio and which key business initiatives can be used to target the portfolio for further development. Participants will be enabled to establish a portfolio flow using the Portfolio Canvas and to prioritize their activities according to the greatest economic benefit. The training also provides insight into how to set the value stream budget and define the associated framework and metrics to measure the performance of the Lean Portfolio.


  • Presentation Lean Portfolio Management (LPM)
  • Developing portfolio strategy and vision
  • Implementing the portfolio vision through epics
  • Developing Lean Budgeting
  • Generating flow thruogh a portfolio kanban
  • Support through Agile PMO and CoPs
  • Establish and apply Lean Governance
  • Planning the implementation of a LPM (practical implementation)


  • Basic knowledge/understanding of agile working
  • Basic knowledge of the tasks of portfolio management
  • First experiences with agile methods like Scrum or Kanban

Target Audience

  • All those involved in the design of a portfolio in the company
    (marketing, development, sales, production)
  • Established companies in corporate setup
  • Startups
  • Consultants, coaches, and corporate developers looking for new tools and practices to gain more traction in their engagements


Certified SAFe® Lean Portfolio Manager.
Exam language English

Teaching Materials

Teaching material in English includes:

  • Student Workbook

Early bird discount

If you book more than 4 months in advance, we offer you a discount of 10% on the course fee

Quantity discount

Motivate your environment. Already with 3 persons in the same course and simultaneous registration we grant interesting discounts on the course fees:

  • 3 people on the same course date 10%
  • 4 people on the same course date 15%
  • 5 people on the same course date 20%

The discounts are not cumulative – the highest discount always applies.

Book directly

We offer most onsite courses in hybrid mode. You have the possibility to participate remotely in the onsite trainings. Simply check the appropriate box when registering.

Start – EndDurationLocationLanguagePrice CHFPrice exam 
16.07.2025 – 17.07.20252B623DE 2300.00 incl. 500.00Book now
01.12.2025 – 02.12.20252B623DE 2300.00 incl. 500.00Book now

All prices in CHF excl. VAT

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