Who is afraid of the big green (audit) crocodile?
Hooking, dodging and running away - tactics in the youth squad's warm-up game
In the youth squad, where my boys could get rid of their energy and improve their strength and coordination for a while, we sometimes played the catching game "Who's afraid of the big green crocodile" as a warm-up. The aim is to cross the playing field as quickly as possible without being touched by the catchers. Over several rounds, there are more and more catchers and it becomes more and more challenging to dodge, catch and run away.
The situation is somewhat similar in some places when an internal audit or even an audit initiated by a manufacturer is announced. Do you have a good feeling that all guidelines have been adhered to in the company and that the self-defined processes have actually been implemented? Who has ever thought about which paths or tactics to choose on such an occasion in order to get through such audits as smoothly as possible and without putting their foot in their mouth?
Who is afraid of the audit crocodiles?
It's absolutely normal to get a little nervous and insecure before a sporting challenge or performing in front of several people. However, this state should not get so out of hand that I am no longer able to act and freeze like the proverbial mouse in front of the snake. It helps if I can say that I am well prepared. But if I stand at the starting line and have to admit to myself that I have neglected my preparation, I see the hypnotic gaze of Kaa (the snake from the Jungle Book), which inhibits me and makes me wait for the rude awakening.

Hypnotized by Kaa, the snake from the Jungle Book?
Instead of waiting for the inevitable, the more sensible approach would be to prepare for it.
In relation to the audit crocodile, this means:
- Identify the important resources (assets) for my business
- Define the processes for managing them
- Establishing an operating model with reliable governance
This allows you to regain control and decide for yourself how confident you can be. The fact that this also contributes to security, simplifies financial planning, employees can be offered the added value of smarter ordering options in self-service or automated provisioning minimizes the need for manual data maintenance is something you are happy to accept. So when I start out, I should be aware of what equipment (assets) I need for my primary goal and what condition they are in. Perhaps I am also dependent on external support during the competition? I also need to know these "services" and understand them in context so that I don't fall by the wayside.
The overarching topic of ITAM (IT Asset Management) is generally divided into HAM (Hardware Asset Management) and SAM (Software Asset Management). However, other logical elements such as cloud resources, data and code are also important "assets" for the company that should be handled consciously.
The fact that the new ITIL® 4 Specialist training places great emphasis on the aspect of sustainability in the management of IT assets is also absolutely in keeping with the spirit of the times and reflects a less material (added) value.
But which of these is "important"? Where do you start? Do I need to know everything to be able to protect something? How do I avoid getting lost in the details instead of focusing on the business-relevant "crown jewels"? Scoping is a crucial factor in achieving visible results. Standards and frameworks such as ISO27001, Cobit®, IT4IT or ITIL® can serve as predictable reference points that we can rely on without having to dive into the depths of complexity.

Proven fixed points reduce the risk
As in sport, where personal trainers contribute to development and self-confidence, experienced consultants can provide effective support in determining where you stand (knowing), by drawing up a training plan and targeted training (ability)
and effective implementation in practice (doing).
Do you have a competition coming up soon and your preparation has been more theoretical so far?
Will it be a sprint, a hurdle race or even a marathon?
Do you feel well equipped to swim in (IT) waters without fear of the (big green) crocodile?
#glenfis, #ITIL4, #GuidingPrinciples, #ITAM #SAM #HAM #GlenfisPrinciple #configurationmanagement
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