Agile working in traditional companies (how) is that possible?
Agile working in traditional companies: Combining tradition and innovation
In today's ever-changing business world, many traditional companies are looking for ways to integrate agile working into their structures in order to remain competitive and respond to rapidly changing customer needs.
Who does what, how and why?
The foundations of agile working are based on the collaboration of individuals with roles and their interaction in processes and tools. The agile approach focuses on customer needs and rapid response to market requirements. The following core elements need to be understood:
Who - individuals with roles
Within companies, employees with the required skills are brought together from different departments in order to create customer-centric added value. This interplay of skills enables the organization to react flexibly to customer requirements and offer innovative solutions. Thanks to the customer focus and the agile interplay of existing skills and resources, the company can operate more effectively on the market and ensure long-term success.
WHAT & HOW - processes and tools
Processes from agile and traditional frameworks are used to develop and operate products / services. Different tools are used and applied to achieve this.
WHY - PurposeAgile working in traditional companies offers the ability to react quickly to new market requirements!
Agile working in traditional companies enables organizations to reap the benefits of agility without having to completely abandon proven structures and processes. By integrating agile practices, companies can respond more flexibly to change while maintaining their clear responsibilities and tasks. This approach makes it possible to continuously generate value for customers in the form of delivery results and remain competitive.
In an ever-changing business world, the ability to combine traditional and agile approaches is a key to long-term success.
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