Problem Solving Circle (PSC) [P-WSPLK1]

Solve problems sustainably!
Workshop with practical examples, in which the problem solving circle (PSC) is taught with a uniform method in six defined steps.

Main Topics

This workshop gives you an introduction to the method of problem solving so that your employees can solve real problems in a correct, methodical, structured and sustainable way.

The workshop includes the following main topics:

  • Interpretation and classification of possible problems
  • Working through the six steps to solve the problem together
  • How do I accompany and coach the employees during the problem solving
  • Empowerment of employees and organization in the process of problem solving
  • Definition of the next steps or the next problems to be solved, how do I make a selection.
  • Fighting the cause and not the symptoms – this saves you time and resources.

  • Learning the 6 step problem solving circle
  • Working through a case study
  • Establishing the standard method for the analysis and solution of problems
  • Exchange of knowledge and experience about methods used by team colleagues
  • Promotion of interdisciplinary thinking and achievement of a common understanding

Experiences of success and joy in this workshop motivate the course participants to apply the lessons learned in the collaboration in their daily work.


No formal requirements

Target Audience

All employees and managers who want to learn how to solve real problems sustainably.


This one-day course includes a course confirmation



Teaching Materials

  • Script of the slides
  • Teaching materials in German.


The workshop can also be held inhouse and can be extended to 2 days.

In the 2-day version, problem cases from the company’s own organization are dealt with and lastingly solved. The team learns to apply the method consistently and at the same time generates real added value for the company.

Contact Us

Questions about this seminar or requests for an inhouse offer:

Early bird discount

If you book more than 4 months in advance, we offer you a discount of 10% on the course fee

Quantity discount

Motivate your environment. Already with 3 persons in the same course and simultaneous registration we grant interesting discounts on the course fees:

  • 3 people on the same course date 10%
  • 4 people on the same course date 15%
  • 5 people on the same course date 20%

The discounts are not cumulative – the highest discount always applies.

Direkt buchen

Wir bieten sämtliche Onsite-Kurse im Hybrid-Modus an. Du hast also die Möglichkeit auch Remote an diesen Trainings teilzunehmen. Einfach bei der Anmeldung das entsprechende Kästchen anklicken.


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