PMO Project Management Office – AIPMO IPMO-Foundation Certification (IPMO-F) [P-PMOF4 ]

The International Project Management Officer (IPMO)® certification is part of the most important industry-recognized set of credentials for project management officers and professionals working in or related to PMO activities and related services.

Main Topics

The certification course at AIPMO Foundation level brings together the latest findings of academic research and best practices in a PMO lifecycle framework. The AIPMO Strategic Lifecycle Framework describes the strategic lifecycle of the AIPMO: How to build a service-oriented PMO that delivers capabilities that are aligned with project programs and portfolio needs; your role(s) in managing, monitoring and controlling a PMO; what exactly is the success of a PMO; what is the maturity of a PMO and how are factors linked that influence project success.


  • See PMOs in terms of services and related supporting capabilities
  • How to design and deliver a core set of PMO services
  • The personal skills that enable the provision of services
  • Key tools and techniques (T&Ts) that enable, support and enhance personal competences

  • Understand how PMOs fit into the world of projects, programs and portfolios
  • Understand the benefits of considering PMOs in terms of services
  • Know what PMO skills are, how they are structured in terms of competencies, tools and techniques
  • Understand the AIPMO framework and the phases and processes performed by a PMO team member
  • Learn about the main PMO tools and techniques, including templates to take back to your organisation before they are published in the upcoming AIPMO book on tools and techniques
  • Understand which key documents are used to establish, implement, monitor and control PMO and PMO services
  • Be sure you know what to do in the organisation’s usual PMO configurations

Ideally 1 year plus work experience, preferably in a project or PMO role

Education at university level or similar

Target Audience

  • PMO/project/program/portfolio team members
  • Junior-PMO or project manager
  • Members of the project team involved in the activities of the PMO
  • Project/Program/Portfolio Manager with some experience in PMO
  • Any project or PMO stakeholder who wants to better understand how services can be executed, monitored and controlled in a high performance PMO environment


  • Exam at the end of the course, moderated by the instructor
  • Without aids – 50 multiple-choice questions
  • Duration 1 hour

Exam will be in English language

Teaching Materials

Student workbook

PMO Principles Book

Course materials are in English


Can also be held as an internal seminar for groups of 6 or more.

Can be performed with the following simulations:

Contact Us

Questions about this seminar or requests for an inhouse offer:

Early bird discount

If you book more than 4 months in advance, we offer you a discount of 10% on the course fee

Quantity discount

Motivate your environment. Already with 3 persons in the same course and simultaneous registration we grant interesting discounts on the course fees:

  • 3 people on the same course date 10%
  • 4 people on the same course date 15%
  • 5 people on the same course date 20%

The discounts are not cumulative – the highest discount always applies.

Direkt buchen

Wir bieten sämtliche Onsite-Kurse im Hybrid-Modus an. Du hast also die Möglichkeit auch Remote an diesen Trainings teilzunehmen. Einfach bei der Anmeldung das entsprechende Kästchen anklicken.


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