Kanban [P-WSKB1]

See work – understand work – manage work!
Workshop with practical examples, in which a functioning Kanban system for visualizing work is developed.

Main Topics

Kanban is an optimization approach that drives changes by controlling & regulating the existing workflow. The essence of a Kanban introduction is to change as little as possible, but to visualize “everything” to understand how the system (the work flow) works at the moment.

The participants are enabled to design, apply and continuously develop their own Kanban boards so that they can be used optimally in their environment.


The participants are taught the following:

  • The Kaizen and Lean Management philosophy and its principles as the basis for the successful application of Kanban systems
  • Overview of boards, Kanban, Scrumban, Scrum, Kaizen Board and other possible combinations
  • Visual management as key factor in Kanban
  • Design and inhouse development of a Kanban system (board)
  • Application, operation and continuous development of the Kanban board
  • Working on a Kanban system, how does the team work
  • In inhouse courses the goal is to have worked out the first version of a functioning Kanban system in the evening.

No formal requirements

Target Audience

All employees and managers who want to learn how to manage work even better.


This one-day course includes a course confirmation



Teaching Materials

  • Script of the slides
  • Teaching materials in German.


The workshop can be held inhouse and is ideal for setting up a Kanban system in a team.

The goal is to have worked out the first version of a functioning Kanban system in the evening.

Contact Us

Questions about this seminar or requests for an inhouse offer: academy@glenfis.ch

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